I am absolutely LOVING this cooler weather! All, of you who know me, know that fall is my favorite season of the year. I woke up this morning and pulled a quilt up over me and Bruce. It felt so good! I almost made homemade biscuits for breakfast, but Alex and Bruce needed to leave quickly to go on an install job. I have felt so invigorated all day....I have cleaned my house and I have such a feeling of accomplishment. I know that the weather man says that this is just a taste and that it will heat back up, but I am going to enjoy ever minute of this taste of fall!
I was checking over on my friend Kelli's blog and she has inspired me to get out some of my fall decorations and start decorating my house. I have had some mums on the front porch for a few weeks now, but I think that it is time to put my fall wreath on the front door as well. I have a beautiful candle holder that I bought from "Partylite" several years ago that I want to put out this year...I just need to pick up some candles for it. I will post a picture of it after I get it out and placed somewhere in the house.
The cooler temps also make me think about Sukkot which isn't too many weeks from now. I already have so many ideas about decorations for the sukkah. I bought several new items at the end of the season last year and can't wait to use them on this year's sukkah.
I feel the same way. The other day on the way home from school, I got that stirring in my soul that I get when the weather turns. It's unexplainable. I don't know if it's nostalgia or the upcoming holy days; probably a mixture of the two. I just feel so alive and full of excitement! Funny how were so alike. Do you want me to order you some partylite candles. My mother in law still sells them. I've been thinking about asking everyone if they need candles for their items they bought.
Love ya
I'm lovin it too! I am so happy about the fall and I can't wait. I don't usually like the fall but for some reason I can't wait for it to come!
love you
Hey Tammy,
I am so glad you are happy with this weather. I love spring and summer...........But James and Marli are loving this. I wake up in the Spring and fight hibernating during the winter. I have already started decorating for fall too. I started with my kitchin. I have a pumpkin theme (not jack-o-lanterns)I even bought local chestnuts at the Farmers Market. I am excited about Sukkot. I am ready to use my new wood heater/stove and other much more exciting things about Sukkot.
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