Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hanukkah Party

This past Sunday evening, Bill, Sandy, Ian, Chelsea, Faulkner, along with Jeff and Jennifer, made the drive down to good old Greenville to attend our very first Hanukkah party. We had a blast! We had lots of good conversation, plenty of laughs, a couple of games of dreidel and way, way too much food to eat! The only bad thing about the whole evening was that it did not last long enough.
Hopefully, this was the first of many more gatherings to come!


Sandy said...

It was a wonderful night. Thanks for having us. Can't wait for game night on the 17th. I LoVe your home!
Love ya!

Chuchy said...

I had so much fun at you party! You right we did have a lot of food lol. your home is sooo beautiful!
love you