Thursday, July 24, 2008

Beautiful White Teeth!

A couple of days ago, I commented to the kids that Buddy had such white teeth. To tell the truth, he probably has whiter teeth than anyone in our family. LOL Yesterday, Alex and Clemmie discovered why........Check out the item in Buddy's paws and in his mouth. Yep, it's a toothbrush. Too funny!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Buddy and Freddie

Pets can add a lot of joy to your life and this is cetainly true about our pets. Today when I went out to take the pictures of Bruce's shop, a few of our pets decided to follow. I snapped these photos of them and just thought that I would share them. This is only two of our brood ...... I will post some photos of the others later. The top photo is Buddy and the beautiful kitty is Freddie.
I think that both of them think that Bruce built the shop for them.......especially Buddy as he spends almost as much time out there as Bruce! LOL

Shop Pictures Finally!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bolling Woodworks ....... Open in its new location!

Bruce has officially moved into his new shop building and needless to say he is loving it! He still has a few more odds and ends to finish up, but he is already building a kitchen for a customer out there. It is so great that he can now just walk out the back door and across the yard and be at work! With gas prices at about $4.oo a gallon, the timing couldn't be better. This is something that Bruce has wanted for so long and I think that most of you know just how beautifully things fell into place for us to build the shop and it be completely paid for....HaShem is so good!! I hope that I never fail to give Him the glory, whenever I tell how we got the money to build the shop. If the weather is good tomorrow, I will try to take some photos of the shop building and post for y'all to see.

Too Many Blessings to Count!

It has been quite a the garden is working overtime! The peas are really making and so is the corn. It is quite a blessing, but on Friday afternoon, I might have said something different. I was so tired of shelling and putting up peas that I wanted to scream. Isn't it wonderful that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He gave us Shabbat and wants us to let all things come to a halt...finished or not! I worked hard and finally got to a stopping place and finished preparing our food for Shabbos and took a long deep breath and said to myself...."Baruch HaShem, it's Shabbat"! I know that it may have sounded like I was complaining, but really I was not. I am thanking G-d for all of these blessings that are just too many to count!!