It has been quite a the garden is working overtime! The peas are really making and so is the corn. It is quite a blessing, but on Friday afternoon, I might have said something different. I was so tired of shelling and putting up peas that I wanted to scream. Isn't it wonderful that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He gave us Shabbat and wants us to let all things come to a halt...finished or not! I worked hard and finally got to a stopping place and finished preparing our food for Shabbos and took a long deep breath and said to myself...."Baruch HaShem, it's Shabbat"! I know that it may have sounded like I was complaining, but really I was not. I am thanking G-d for all of these blessings that are just too many to count!!
Hello world!
3 years ago
What a blessing to have all those peas! I am going to the Farmers Market in Montgomery this week to try to find them by the bushel or follow a trail for a u-pick pea field. I was really ready for Shabbat this week! Bless the Lord!!
I know what u mean.
One of things I love best about you is how you always glorify God. Your "complaining" is never negative or at least not for long. You are a joy to have as a friend.
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