Pets can add a lot of joy to your life and this is cetainly true about our pets. Today when I went out to take the pictures of Bruce's shop, a few of our pets decided to follow. I snapped these photos of them and just thought that I would share them. This is only two of our brood ...... I will post some photos of the others later. The top photo is Buddy and the beautiful kitty is Freddie.
I think that both of them think that Bruce built the shop for them.......especially Buddy as he spends almost as much time out there as Bruce! LOL
What beautiful pets. Hey, they don't have to know that Bruce didn't build the shop for them shh
shh :) Love ya
They are gorgeous. The look so friendly and content.
OMG they are soo beautiful!! Now I know why you guys like them so much.
I LOVE animal pictures! I would love to see more. Your kitty is gorgeous and I just want to pick up Buddy and give him a hug. Thanks for sharing these with us.
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