Growing up I always believed and still do believe that my Daddy was the STRONGEST man that ever lived. He had huge upper arms and could carry 200 pound bags of fertilizer on each shoulder. He had always worked hard...mostly either pulp-wooding or logging. He dearly loved my Moma and me and always found a way to provide our every need. My Daddy never spanked me........all he had to do was raise his voice and I was heart broken. When Daddy wasn't working, he was either coon hunting or riding horses. He truly loved his animals......I believe that Clemmie inherited this from him.
I can honestly say that I can't remember a time when I was growing up that we didn't have either horses or dogs and usually both. Daddy really loved to coon hunt. He absolutely loved to hear the dogs as they chased the coon and then to hear them when the coon was treed.
I have spent most of this day remembering my Daddy. I must say that most all of my memories are good ones. The only not so good memories would be from the time following my Moma's death. Moma died suddenly from a heart attack and Daddy never really got over her dying. They had celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary on November 4, 2001 and on Thanksgiving of that year Moma died. Daddy said that half of him died that day and bless his heart the other half started dying then too.....or so it seemed. He was never the same....there was something missing from his eyes...something that never returned. Three years later almost to the day, Daddy died. He was sick almost the whole 3 years.......he simply didn't have the will to live. As much as I know he loved me, Alex, Clemmie and Bruce.......he loved Moma more and longed to be with her. As much as I miss him, I am glad that he no longer has to suffer. Some days I feel really sorry for myself........sorry that both my parents were taken from me, but not today. Today I am choosing to feel special......special that G-d chose me to be born as the only child of Ollie and Ruby Bush. I am choosing to spend this day remembering the good things about and the wonderful times spent with my Daddy!!
The picture was taken in 1999 ...... it is my Moma, Alex, Daddy, Clemmie, me and Bruce.
What a Man! From all you have told me your Daddy was someone I wish I could have known. I am so glad you have such beautiful memories of him. May The Lord comfort you as you continue to feel such deep loss! Love ya!
This made me cry. I know you must miss your parents terribly. You are so blessed to have had such a beautiful upbringing. It reflects so much in the person you are today.
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