As far as today goes, well the sun is shining now and the rain seems to have moved

Tomorrow...hopefully the school bell will ring around 9am here at "Croley Academy". This year Clemmie will have math, science, spelling, language, history and health. Alex's classes consist of physics, American government and economics, language arts, health, consumer mathematics, advanced math and the CompTia A+ certification (computer) classes. I may have omitted something, but I hope not since that looks like quite enough work to me. I have not yet prepared any lesson plans for Alex, but he can get started without them. We are also considering Alex taking some dual enrollment classes at a college located in Evergreen. We didn't check into it soon enough for the fall quarter, but perhaps the winter quarter will be available.
Shavua Tov!!
Sounds as if you are a busy lady! I hope everything works out for Alex to take dual enrollment classes. I have several friends who have done that with their homeschooled children. As far as I know it has always worked out very well. Alex is a smart young man and he will probably enjoy it! So, how was your first day in school?
Love ya, Cammy
Happy Birthday to Alex!!!!!
Tammy - this is the first chance I have gotten to get on your blog. Life has been wild here lately.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your wedding pictures. Geeze girl, your hubby is super duper cute. I always wonder what men look like under the beards. You two make the sweetest couple. My favorite picture was the one of you guys cutting your cake. You look exactly the same which is crazy. You seriously age good, hope I do that well but I am aleady seeing lots of aging signs. I'll have to steal your idea and put pictures of Jeff and I on there because I just loved seeing yours.
Love you girl!
WOW I thought I had a lot of school! I only have math, biology history ( not sure what kind.), grammar, reading, and I have to wright all kinds of papers on whatever mom, dad, or armon deicide. lol
This year has gone by so fast!
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